
We are appreciated apparently

This was sent out to our district. Almost an entire month of associates getting their hours cut so severely that some are getting zero hours. Only managers getting hours after they used up a large portion of their PTO. The somewhat fortunate part time associates that didn’t use their PTO yet were able to supplement some of the hours missed but many have used their PTO and are getting $0 paychecks for this month. This is how they repay us. Not by giving us hours, but by letting us eat candy canes all day and taking a picture of us- (which on that day will be a total of 4 associates because that’s all that is scheduled that day. NOTE: None of the stuff is being provided.

This was sent out to our district. Almost an entire month of associates getting their hours cut so severely that some are getting zero hours. Only managers getting hours after they used up a large portion of their PTO. The somewhat fortunate part time associates that didn’t use their PTO yet were able to supplement some of the hours missed but many have used their PTO and are getting $0 paychecks for this month. This is how they repay us. Not by giving us hours, but by letting us eat candy canes all day and taking a picture of us- (which on that day will be a total of 4 associates because that’s all that is scheduled that day. NOTE: None of the stuff is being provided.

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