
Employers are so fucked and I’m so happy about it

Watch this about the future of the forever shrinking global workforce. The boomers, women entering the workforce and massive immigration created a glut of labor for the last 50 years. This has driven down wages and allowed companies to treat human being like absolute shit. In my 30+ years of professional work, I have survived almost 40 rounds of layoffs. Many of there were huge blood baths of 25-40% of my departments. They'd hire a bunch people back and cull them to bump their stock price for a quarter most years. Why not? We were disposable, right? This is over. Nobody had kids, largely because companies made employees feel so fearful and insecure about employment that nobody felt safe enough to have kids. Demographic charts should look like a pyramid. Most country's now look like kites now. Each generation is smaller than the last. The Millennial birth rate is…

Watch this about the future of the forever shrinking global workforce.

The boomers, women entering the workforce and massive immigration created a glut of labor for the last 50 years. This has driven down wages and allowed companies to treat human being like absolute shit.

In my 30+ years of professional work, I have survived almost 40 rounds of layoffs. Many of there were huge blood baths of 25-40% of my departments. They'd hire a bunch people back and cull them to bump their stock price for a quarter most years. Why not? We were disposable, right? This is over. Nobody had kids, largely because companies made employees feel so fearful and insecure about employment that nobody felt safe enough to have kids.

Demographic charts should look like a pyramid. Most country's now look like kites now. Each generation is smaller than the last. The Millennial birth rate is 1.0. The generation of the Millennial's kids will be less than 1/2 the size. It just going to keep getting worse for employers… for 6 decades, at least.

The chickens have come home to roost and, now the the fucking boomers are retiring, the labor force is contracting like mad and companies can't find enough people. This is going to force those mother fuckers to raise wages, improve job security, offer better benefits, offer greater flexibility and make fucking concessions to us.

Fuck you employers. Fuck you with a chainsaw straight up your evil asses while we laugh at your pain and torment. We won't forget how you treated us while you had us over a barrel. Now the tables are turning and you have no way to turn them back and you did it to yourselves. For the next 50 years, we will treat you exactly the same way you treated us for the last 50 years. We will force you to offer training programs for new hires and we'll quite right after training is over to force a loss. We will tell you to fuck off and walk across the street to get a new job that week. We will boycott your products when you treat us like shit. We will create unions again and you'll be powerless to stop us. We will fuck with you just for the pure, malicious joy of seeing your pain. You are fucked.

That massive inequality that's been created is about to slam into reverse. The fucking middle class is coming back. Selling our labor is about to get a whole lot more pleasant and lucrative.

Oh, and to anyone still refusing to allow telecommuting, you are fucking yourselves. The companies that do allow it will get all the best people and they will bury you.

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