
An open letter to all Executives and managers who are “Giddy” with the return to office. From. An IT Engineer.

Hello all, I been reading articles recently about how excited Executives and Management are about their workforce returning to offices. It makes my blood boil. But rather than lash out, I think its time to explain to them the huge difference in what so many of us people do vs what they do, and how many of the “Great Ideas” of the past have been tortuous to us First, what do us IT types do. Or, how our Work differs form yours. You are leaders, you lead, you often know little about the in’s and outs of the systems in which we control and develop and support. But you are all big picture type people. You communicate, dictate direction, decide on strategy based on information given to you, and measure your success based upon all those below you. This is all great, a company works best when working toward a…

Hello all, I been reading articles recently about how excited Executives and Management are about their workforce returning to offices.

It makes my blood boil.

But rather than lash out, I think its time to explain to them the huge difference in what so many of us people do vs what they do, and how many of the “Great Ideas” of the past have been tortuous to us

First, what do us IT types do. Or, how our Work differs form yours.

You are leaders, you lead, you often know little about the in’s and outs of the systems in which we control and develop and support. But you are all big picture type people. You communicate, dictate direction, decide on strategy based on information given to you, and measure your success based upon all those below you. This is all great, a company works best when working toward a corporate directive. Managers make sure we are all working. All vital functions to ensure work is done on time.

But that is NOT the reality of it.

See the humble data analyst. Working on their reports, they day to day grind. A sudden request. Now this poor Data analyst might have the information and tools on hand, other times they will not and will have to investigate, figure it out, and do whatever it is they need to do to deliver, YOU the information/analyse you will be so eager to present to your bosses.

Often in a format of your choosing as well.

This Data Analyst could be given a timeline, oh its very important you have this information at the next meeting. But now you have a Data Analyst, dropping their current work to fulfil your out of the blue ask.

Your “simple” request. Has derailed this persons day to day. It could be a small thing it could be a big thing for them. But YOU are high up in the food chain often, such things will take over priority. Of course Managers want to look good. So they want to make sure their teams deliver this in a timely fashion so they can look good to you.

The Data Analyst may suffer, have to work extra to achieve this, or resume their usual duties. Failing that, or should anything drop because of this well… they have to answer to their Manager because now there is a risk of them looking bad.

Now… I used Data analysts just to include them in the mix but for a developer it can be similar. I know be working on a piece of functionality that is critical to a business function but a sudden change in direction means I need to be pulled out of that.

Why does that bother us so much?

Well, its simple. Development, requires a lot of focus and attention. Form figuring out what the previous developers may have built something or wading through complex and aged systems and security requirements. I have only known a few developers who had the ability to develop something at the drop of a hat.

So there is a huge amount of attention and focus required.

Now why are these types not wanting to go back to the office.

Because we don’t like being knee deep in complicated work, only to pull ourselves out of it because Joe Bloggs needs to complain that the system is slow and decided its quicker to come to us directly rather than log a ticket/ or deal with someone who they deem lower.

Because having a colleague ask us about what they think about recent sports event, or even friends bother us about the latest happenings.

Because we want and NEED to focus, to deliver what YOU want us to make and make YOU look good.

So that hints at the first mistake in modern offices. Open floor planning. Oh yea you can look out and see all the people working happily. Not looking at websites you deem inappropriate, and collaborating or whatever buzz words you like to use.

But it is hell for us. Anyone being able to see what we are doing, the noise and distractions by our peers we can’t tell them to shut up because that would be rude now wouldn’t it? Can we listen to music drown it out.

This isn’t even counting the impromptu meetings etc.

TL:DR. IT people need to focus, and while so many have different ways to focus I have met none who focus better in an open office.

Working from home oh how I loved it. First the perks. I don’t need to commute 2 hours a day. So I get to sleep in a little more, and have time to work out (like many IT guys my health has drastically improved)

The Focus… I can sit in my office, listen to music, and code like a demon. I can control my disruptions because of Teams and Slack. I can take complex systems, figure them out in my head, apply the changes or make the systems I need and not have to worry about my train of thought being disrupted.

I spent years, to become an expert of my craft. I see my value as pushing new systems and changes in with minimal bugs. To advance company objectives. And while yes I too enjoy the presence of people. I got a job to do.

I measure my value in the quality of the work I do, and how quickly I can deliver it.

You measure yourselves in your meetings… how you lead these initiative, drove this changes that saved money made money, whatever it is.

We don’t want to go back to the office because many of us work better from home.

We learnt, to YOUR deprement, that there is a huge demand for people with our skills in other companies and if we are unhappy finding work, isn’t as difficult as it was. This is why you are seeing so much turnover.

I don’t care to go to an office that has an inbuilt gym, a discounted canteen which serves subpar food. And I certainly, while I would prefer to spend my day sitting around drinking coffee and chatting. But if I don’t meet my deadlines then, I won’t have money to pay my rent, my car, and keep my family clothed and fed.

Have you not even seen the economy right now?

So no. We don’t share your joy in going back to the office. I am sorry you define yourselves by asses in seats or that your home life feels disconnected or you have an old mentality on what it is to work.

Pay ALL of your staff more. If their job enables them let them work from home. Remove needless middle managers who micromanager. Be sure to listen to people with expertise in the area’s you dare to tread in. And be sure to treat your staff with Respect, Empathy and most importantly Clarity.

This “Great Resignation” isn’t about us. Its about you. If your staff are leaving it is because of something you are doing. Paying low wages, bad management, unfavorable working conditions for staff (Forced to be in the office).

You want to stop it, do an audit on your management. Talk with your staff in an open forum investigate when they state their manager is a problem drop the bull. Pay your staff more. Stop using excuses such as “We are paying the average for your role” and all the other excuses you use.

Embrace work from home for those who want it.

Phew bit of a rant but thought it belonged here.

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