
The CEO I work for writes at a 4th grade level

I’m seriously losing it. I recently got hired working for the CEO/Owner of a few different companies. This guy sends emails to clients and leads that are so absolutely atrocious that it would get anyone else working for him fired. The last email he sent to a client was riddled with improper capitalization, incorrect spelling, and incoherent grammar. I’m no grammar police myself, but I had to take a lap around the building to calm myself down after forcing myself to read it. The best part is that he CC’d me on the email so that I could use it as an example of how to approach clients and leads. He couldn’t have put more than 30 seconds of effort into writing it out. Is this a joke? I’m not getting paid nearly enough for this shit!

I’m seriously losing it. I recently got hired working for the CEO/Owner of a few different companies. This guy sends emails to clients and leads that are so absolutely atrocious that it would get anyone else working for him fired. The last email he sent to a client was riddled with improper capitalization, incorrect spelling, and incoherent grammar. I’m no grammar police myself, but I had to take a lap around the building to calm myself down after forcing myself to read it. The best part is that he CC’d me on the email so that I could use it as an example of how to approach clients and leads. He couldn’t have put more than 30 seconds of effort into writing it out. Is this a joke? I’m not getting paid nearly enough for this shit!

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