
RTO Opinion: Corporations don’t understand that “company culture” is generally something workers endure, not seek out.

It seems to me C-suite managers and middle managers have convince themselves that the culture at their business is the main thing that attracts employees to the company and think that those employees are missing out by working remotely, which is why management keeps banging the RTO drum. To me, it's like if a hospital starts bragging about how they have great amenities for their patients. That's great and all, but I don't ever really want to be in a hospital. It's the same with work. I don't ever really want to be there, but since it's something I have to do, I'd prefer a good company culture to a bad one. But an employer should never get it in their head that I chose to work for them based solely on “company culture”. ​ edit: typos

It seems to me C-suite managers and middle managers have convince themselves that the culture at their business is the main thing that attracts employees to the company and think that those employees are missing out by working remotely, which is why management keeps banging the RTO drum.

To me, it's like if a hospital starts bragging about how they have great amenities for their patients. That's great and all, but I don't ever really want to be in a hospital.

It's the same with work. I don't ever really want to be there, but since it's something I have to do, I'd prefer a good company culture to a bad one. But an employer should never get it in their head that I chose to work for them based solely on “company culture”.

edit: typos

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