
Honest question: When will enough be enough?

I want to know when we finally snap and tell big business “no more”. When do we look at gas prices and food prices and medical prices and then look at how little we make and say it’s too much? I am all for venting and a lot of the memes here are funny but I just don’t see where we go? When we go? How we go? Because I don’t want you to stay this way forever, and I doubt many of you do either.

I want to know when we finally snap and tell big business “no more”. When do we look at gas prices and food prices and medical prices and then look at how little we make and say it’s too much? I am all for venting and a lot of the memes here are funny but I just don’t see where we go? When we go? How we go? Because I don’t want you to stay this way forever, and I doubt many of you do either.

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