
Switching companies

I'm switching companies within the same career path. More money, a better position, better company, etc. I have 8 days of sick time and I will not get cashed out on upon leaving. I can only use these days if I call off my shift. These days are separate from my vacation days. I will be putting my two weeks in on the 21st. My question for the r/askmen is would it be appropriate for me to take all of my sick time off in the coming two weeks leading up to my last day?What would you do? What did you do?

I'm switching companies within the same career path. More money, a better position, better company, etc.

I have 8 days of sick time and I will not get cashed out on upon leaving. I can only use these days if I call off my shift. These days are separate from my vacation days. I will be putting my two weeks in on the 21st.

My question for the r/askmen is would it be appropriate for me to take all of my sick time off in the coming two weeks leading up to my last day?What would you do? What did you do?

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