
Thoughts on commutes – Notice how everyone who works in-office had some insane commute every day?

Aside from retail jobs in high school and college, I've never worked a professional job that was located anywhere near where I lived. I know there are jobs that do what I do near my home, but for some reason they always pass me over and I'm hired somewhere far away (Usually 2-4 hours' of commute time per day). It's not like I'm living in the middle of nowhere, I've always lived in major metropolitan hubs. I actually had to get a second car because I was hired at a job outside of our public transit system. The job paid slightly more than my previous one, but after the lease payment/insurance/gas/parking fees I was bringing in less than $1,000 a month. But it was the only way I could get to work to make money. This was interesting because it was in a very rich area, but no one who…

Aside from retail jobs in high school and college, I've never worked a professional job that was located anywhere near where I lived.

I know there are jobs that do what I do near my home, but for some reason they always pass me over and I'm hired somewhere far away (Usually 2-4 hours' of commute time per day). It's not like I'm living in the middle of nowhere, I've always lived in major metropolitan hubs.

I actually had to get a second car because I was hired at a job outside of our public transit system. The job paid slightly more than my previous one, but after the lease payment/insurance/gas/parking fees I was bringing in less than $1,000 a month. But it was the only way I could get to work to make money.

This was interesting because it was in a very rich area, but no one who worked there besides the owner could afford to live there. Almost everyone else had to commute at least an hour to work every day from various locations. Our parking lot couldn't fit all the cars so we'd have to park next door or on the street.

This is also a symptom of a larger issue. A lot of people work for companies that don't pay them enough to live near the job or to be able to afford the products the company makes. In this regard I praise Henry Ford for raising wages at his factories because he wanted his workers to be able to afford the products they were putting together.

WFH is amazing because it gives so many corporate workers hours of their time and money back. No more getting stuck in traffic or transferring trains/buses to get to work.

And your boss who's making you come back into the office probably lives right near the office and can't empathize with you wanting WFH because they don't get what a commute in rush hour traffic is like.

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