Anyone else work in a field were the recruiters are pushy as all hell, and think you’re automatically going to work for them just because you listened to their pitch?
Had one today, first interview & they were trying to schedule my preemployment drug test. Like, bud, I just heard you out to see what you’re offering. I didn’t agree to anything. I do like more money, but for fucks sake, I have no urge to work there if you just assume I’m going to take the job.
For reference: I’m an experienced truck driver, and these companies still think it’s a privilege to work for them. This is an industry where I can quit one carrier, and be on the road with another in under 5 days. I can be selective as all hell.
Plus, the recruiter today thought $0.49/mile was great money (I make $0.65/mile with a $0.10/mile quarterly safety bonus for not hitting anything now)