
Sick of applying to jobs? I can fix that

Hey antiwork folks. Longtime lurker here. ​ I'll start off with a story. Keep in mind that I am not great at taking my thoughts and writing them out. In May 2020 I graduated with my BA in Computer Science. After my graduation, I started applying to remote computer science positions only. The start of Covid plus being a college graduate made it feel impossible to be recognized when applying to jobs. I probably applied to over 500 jobs before I had enough. I would work from 8 to 5, drive an hour to get home, and apply to jobs for another couple of hours. This royally sucked and was very disappointing after applying to so many jobs with little to no interactions. I had a very good-looking resume and decent prior experience. After this, I started to develop my own Indeed job application bot. This was a game-changer. Once…

Hey antiwork folks. Longtime lurker here.

I'll start off with a story. Keep in mind that I am not great at taking my thoughts and writing them out. In May 2020 I graduated with my BA in Computer Science. After my graduation, I started applying to remote computer science positions only. The start of Covid plus being a college graduate made it feel impossible to be recognized when applying to jobs. I probably applied to over 500 jobs before I had enough. I would work from 8 to 5, drive an hour to get home, and apply to jobs for another couple of hours. This royally sucked and was very disappointing after applying to so many jobs with little to no interactions. I had a very good-looking resume and decent prior experience. After this, I started to develop my own Indeed job application bot. This was a game-changer. Once everything was up and working, it was applying to jobs for me while I worked. I absolutely made sure that the employer knew that it was a bot that applied to their job. I saw this as a way to show some experience. After 20 to 30 interviews, I finally landed the job I have today, all thanks to my bot.

About a month ago, I had a great idea that others might want to use this software as well. So, I have created Before you click on that, please know that I am NOT a front-end developer, and if this project takes off, I will pay someone to make one pretty front-end.

Currently, I only support Indeed right now, but I have plans on creating a LinkedIn service as well. So, how does it work? The system is maybe 95% hands-off. Once you insert your initial search parameters, You only need to come back and answer any questions that the application bot returns from Indeed. To apply to all jobs, the bot needs all of the questions answered. Other than that, the system is completely automated. The bot looks very human and takes breaks, moves the mouse to interact, scrolls the entire page to “read” things, etc.

The major downside is that the service needs your Indeed login information. I know this is a no-go for some people. Indeed doesn't have a way for a third party to apply for jobs for someone else. The bot logs in as YOU and applies to jobs. I really do wish there was a way to not require login information. On the bright side, all passwords are encrypted and stored in a secure database that only I have access to. My website will only accept login information after the purchase of the service, so I am not just openly accepting login information. If you think about it, you can only apply to jobs on Indeed.

As a side note, what would make people more comfortable about this process? Would a video over the process help? A great description? I don't know.

On the flip side, All users have the ability to completely wipe their login information from the database, and completely delete their entire account.

The bot can easily apply to over 400 jobs a day, which takes a huge load off of you. I know this isn't for everyone, but as someone who ONLY wanted a remote programming job, I personally didn't care who hired me as long as I got a good salary, so throwing out hundreds or thousands of applications was perfectly fine for me.

IF you want to know more or want to use the service, visit the website and see for yourself.

Thanks everyone.

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