
What is the point of an exit interview?

I'm preparing to leave my current job (software engineer) for a variety of reasons – below-market pay, professional stagnation, etc. Other engineers that have left the company have been asked to give an exit interview, so I fully expect it as well. I've been told that there's no real point to it, and using it as a place to air my grievances can have adverse effects on my future employment opportunities. What are your takes on it? Worth the time? Should I just skip it if asked? Use it to explain why I'm leaving? Genuinely curious.

I'm preparing to leave my current job (software engineer) for a variety of reasons – below-market pay, professional stagnation, etc. Other engineers that have left the company have been asked to give an exit interview, so I fully expect it as well. I've been told that there's no real point to it, and using it as a place to air my grievances can have adverse effects on my future employment opportunities. What are your takes on it? Worth the time? Should I just skip it if asked? Use it to explain why I'm leaving? Genuinely curious.

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