
My job is so stressful that I am losing my hair but I can’t quit.

I’m currently writing this from my cubicle. I work for a hospital and I am a dental biller. When I started this job I was made aware that this was a contract to permanent hire position. It’s been 10 months and no one has said a word about me getting hired. This job has no health benefits, no sick days, no vacation days, or even holidays. If you want to take the holiday off that’s fine but you’re not going to get paid for it. Oh but here’s the kicker. I am often complimented about how great of a job I am doing and how the previous employees didn’t do shit. As soon as I got here, I was cleaning up the mess they made. I am in charge of submitting claims for 8 offices. These offices see an average of 30 to 60 patients a day! I am even…

I’m currently writing this from my cubicle. I work for a hospital and I am a dental biller. When I started this job I was made aware that this was a contract to permanent hire position. It’s been 10 months and no one has said a word about me getting hired. This job has no health benefits, no sick days, no vacation days, or even holidays. If you want to take the holiday off that’s fine but you’re not going to get paid for it. Oh but here’s the kicker. I am often complimented about how great of a job I am doing and how the previous employees didn’t do shit. As soon as I got here, I was cleaning up the mess they made. I am in charge of submitting claims for 8 offices. These offices see an average of 30 to 60 patients a day! I am even surprised at myself that I was able to catch these offices up.

Anyways, the first couple of months I didn’t complain because I was told that they were going to hire another person so that the workload would be split for two people. Needless to say no one has been hired. No one has even came in to be interviewed. I am now stressed out to the point where I am losing my hair and I am going through an extremely hard depressive episode. I just want to quit but I have no back up job, and I have no savings because I am living paycheck to paycheck, I have no degree either just years worth of dental experience. I have tried to apply to other jobs but at this point I am too overqualified and no one wants to pay me a livable wage. I started applying to retail and food service jobs because anything would be better than this.

I hate where my life is. I just want to go to school and focus on fitness and have a part time job. My parents tell me to do what makes me happy but I just don’t want to disappointment them, I am 26 years old and I still live with them.

I am just tired of these work environments. They want you to do all this work and then expect you to be ecstatic because they gave you a pat on the back. I have a meeting with manager on Monday and I am going to explain the situation and ask for a part time position. If they can’t accommodate me I think I’m just going to quit on the spot. Wish me luck guys. I really don’t know what to do but I am hoping things work out for the better.

Sorry for the grammar mistakes.

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