

Update last post I have been mulling this over and I even called out on Tuesday, I had Monday and Wednesday off. The incident took place on Sunday. After careful consideration I realized, I have put too much effort into that job. I am behind on university assignments, I put my GPA in jeopardy and in the process stopped pursuing my love of photography because I gave that job my life. I am labeled part-time but regularly scheduled for 37-40 hours. They will give me 40 hour work weeks but then every 4th or 5th week give me 37 hours. The company policy is you are only grandfathered into full-time if you are given 40 hours for 8 weeks or more in a row. I put all my effort into that job and constantly produced numbers. Its a big box store so me not being there to get amazing numbers…

Update last post

I have been mulling this over and I even called out on Tuesday, I had Monday and Wednesday off. The incident took place on Sunday. After careful consideration I realized, I have put too much effort into that job. I am behind on university assignments, I put my GPA in jeopardy and in the process stopped pursuing my love of photography because I gave that job my life. I am labeled part-time but regularly scheduled for 37-40 hours. They will give me 40 hour work weeks but then every 4th or 5th week give me 37 hours. The company policy is you are only grandfathered into full-time if you are given 40 hours for 8 weeks or more in a row.

I put all my effort into that job and constantly produced numbers. Its a big box store so me not being there to get amazing numbers hurts them but won't kill them. I am done! I am calling out one more time on Thursday in order to use today, Wednesday, and tomorrow to catch up on assignments. The motivation to move up in that company is no longer there and if given a write up for calling out without having the sick time I will accept it with a a happy grin. I am over it. I was naïve in thinking that people actually cared. They don't. The one huge regret I have is not reporting a California State violation early in working there. I came out as transgender and asked if I could use the preferred restroom. I was told no, HUGE VIOLATION, the manager in question just didn't know the restroom policy. I went above them and it was corrected but I should have just straight reported it.

Anyways, I am over it! I am going to call out once more and get my damn university assignments under order and I am going to start taking steps to becoming a professional photographer.

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