
I’m not going to beg for more work

I work as the only interior designer for a tiny architecture firm. I was hired about 8 months ago and I was so pumped. However, after being there a while, I feel that the title was misleading. It should have been described as a CAD technician position. That's what I do 98% of the time – pushing a mouse carrying out someone else's ideas. It is very boring, mindless, and unfulfilling for what I thought would be a creative position. My boss is a very nice person and I don't want to take advantage but I also don't believe my job requires me to commute everyday and stay in glorified cubicle until the clock strikes 5. I also get the feeling he hires less experienced people so he can pay his employees less. (I've been in the industry for 5 years) I recently figured out that my boss either has…

I work as the only interior designer for a tiny architecture firm. I was hired about 8 months ago and I was so pumped. However, after being there a while, I feel that the title was misleading. It should have been described as a CAD technician position. That's what I do 98% of the time – pushing a mouse carrying out someone else's ideas. It is very boring, mindless, and unfulfilling for what I thought would be a creative position.

My boss is a very nice person and I don't want to take advantage but I also don't believe my job requires me to commute everyday and stay in glorified cubicle until the clock strikes 5. I also get the feeling he hires less experienced people so he can pay his employees less. (I've been in the industry for 5 years)

I recently figured out that my boss either has no idea how long projects take me to finish or he doesn't care. He will check on me once or twice a day and ask what I'm working on. My answer is ALWAYS, “I'm close to finishing X, can you give me something new?” He will hear my question, not answer it, then turn around and walk away. I refuse to bring it back up to him because…why would I beg him for more work? He definitely hears me so that's on him to get the most out of what he pays me.

Slowly I realized he doesn't know/care how long I'm taking on these so I started completing the tasks he gives me (typically 1-2 hours of work for an 8 hour shift) then I use the rest of the time to build my own empire. I will be putting my two weeks in very soon to be a freelance designer and of course, giving myself a giant raise!!

I just wanted to share a hopeful story.

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