
‘ I think this puts you into overtime ‘

So I was working for a sandwich delivery spot that had recently been sold to a new set of owners. They were nice enough but really had to appease corporate as they were franchisee's. We were a very busy store on a major campus. The ownership and management shift had caused a majority of the old crew to quit or be fired, classic cleaning house approach. I had been there just over a year and genuinely enjoyed the job. It was decent money and super easy, the worst part was finding places on campus to park and finding the customers on campus. Anyway due to the staff shortage the new owner/manager was begging people to cover shifts so I obliged, and tried to fill as many as I could. As we were adding me to the schedule he paused and said 'I think this puts you at 3 hours overtime,…

So I was working for a sandwich delivery spot that had recently been sold to a new set of owners.

They were nice enough but really had to appease corporate as they were franchisee's.

We were a very busy store on a major campus. The ownership and management shift had caused a majority of the old crew to quit or be fired, classic cleaning
house approach.

I had been there just over a year and genuinely enjoyed the job. It was decent money and super easy, the worst part was finding places on campus to park and finding the customers on campus.

Anyway due to the staff shortage the new owner/manager was begging people to cover shifts so I obliged, and tried to fill as many as I could. As we were adding me to the schedule he paused and said 'I think
this puts you at 3 hours overtime, I'm gonna have to find someone else to cover these shifts'

I was making $6.25 an hour +tips and gas
reimbursement. Overtime for the three hours would have been an extra $9 on my paycheck, but apparently that was too much. So that day I called a buddy and got
hired on at a new spot, I worked that evening and made $125 in four hours, they have no limit on the amount of hours I can work, and no ridiculous dress codes or
corporate bs.

The next day I put in my two weeks, and changed my availability to 3 hours a day.
I'm not sure if that is antiwork enough for this sub but it was super satisfying making a huge upgrade in my life and them losing a hard working employee over $9.

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