
I want to share my experience as some kind of “middle manager” (I dont know if the correct word, Im below the team leader but I have small team below me)

Context: My company work with “tasks” that the company client hire us. So Im in charge of review those tasks and see if the stimated time is correct and distribute the work with the rest of the team. I always knew that the company get a big cut of tha money but goes beyond that. In terms of moneys the company gets arround 10-60€/hour of the “task” some times twice my salary (without taxes). But thats not all, some task are overstimated, ie: The task 8h stimated but normally is finished under 4-5h, so my company gets that 3h for free because the client already paid. They justify this because they said that some time the stimation is the other way arround but when that happened they try to ask more hours to the client to make the work “profitable”. When I got promoted the rise was not really big…

Context: My company work with “tasks” that the company client hire us. So Im in charge of review those tasks and see if the stimated time is correct and distribute the work with the rest of the team.

I always knew that the company get a big cut of tha money but goes beyond that.

In terms of moneys the company gets arround 10-60€/hour of the “task” some times twice my salary (without taxes). But thats not all, some task are overstimated, ie: The task 8h stimated but normally is finished under 4-5h, so my company gets that 3h for free because the client already paid.

They justify this because they said that some time the stimation is the other way arround but when that happened they try to ask more hours to the client to make the work “profitable”.

When I got promoted the rise was not really big so seeing how many hours are left I use them anyways. Ie: A 20h task I finish en 10h I rest 5h and still finish under time.

Also I hate when the client try to give us hurry because the deadline, because we prove that we can work faster and this could mean that next time we are given less hours but this is not fare because we can work fast one week top otherwise we would get to tired.

In defense of my company the only bad thing is the salary is smaller thant the other similar companys but we have 100% free to work from home or at the office, the team leaders and superiors respect the schedule and they are flexible if I need one day I work 9h and the other 7h.

Sorry for my english and greeting from Spain!

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