
Tried posting this in another but didn’t realise comments were locked. Shit boss has no idea how to manage employees but insists on micromanaging anyway.

First time I tried to call in sick at my current job was after I had already been working there for over a year – no sick days taken before then. Texted my boss, who said I was leaving him understaffed and to try come in anyway. It was the weekend and I had started feeling a little better by late morning, so not wanting to leave them short staffed I decide to suck it up and do the 50 minute commute to the shop. Upon arrival I find out he hadn't bothered checking the rota, and that a mistake had been made that meant we were in fact OVER staffed by one person that day. My absence would have meant that they would have had the normal number of employees for a weekend shift. He ended up sending another employee home to get us back to the correct number…

First time I tried to call in sick at my current job was after I had already been working there for over a year – no sick days taken before then. Texted my boss, who said I was leaving him understaffed and to try come in anyway. It was the weekend and I had started feeling a little better by late morning, so not wanting to leave them short staffed I decide to suck it up and do the 50 minute commute to the shop.

Upon arrival I find out he hadn't bothered checking the rota, and that a mistake had been made that meant we were in fact OVER staffed by one person that day. My absence would have meant that they would have had the normal number of employees for a weekend shift. He ended up sending another employee home to get us back to the correct number of staff. ANOTHER employee. Not the one who he guilted into coming in when they attempted calling out sick. Again, all he would have had to do was a simple headcount, or to actually look at the rota that hung beside him on the wall to see that my absence on that day would have benefited both of us.

I have a litany of complaints about this boss – ranging from him (again) guilting me into doing week and a half long streaks at work (without days off) whilst he enjoys his normally scheduled days off, right the way through to him fucking up the forms required to receive furlough during lockdowns and resulting in me having to scramble to get on universal credit instead – a process which took a couple of months and left me without any income in the meantime.

Safe to say he's a micromanaging, clueless tit.

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