
Was passed around from person to person so they wouldn’t have to break it to me that I can’t get a raise

So yeah. Essentially the title. I asked my supervisor what steps I can take to have a pay raise so they sent me to their supervisor who then sent me to the HR head. Essentially the HR guy said that pay raises are not possible and that all supervisors should know this and they just juggled me around so they wouldn't be the one to break it to me. You can't give me a pay raise? I understand. But the lack of respect from my supervisor not being able to be straightforward with me and just tossing me to someone else just to get tossed again is infuriating. I've been enjoying my job. I get to do a lot of good things and I have loved and respected my supervisor until this point. Like be honest with me. Do you think I want to be here after that? Fuck no.…

So yeah. Essentially the title.

I asked my supervisor what steps I can take to have a pay raise so they sent me to their supervisor who then sent me to the HR head. Essentially the HR guy said that pay raises are not possible and that all supervisors should know this and they just juggled me around so they wouldn't be the one to break it to me.

You can't give me a pay raise? I understand. But the lack of respect from my supervisor not being able to be straightforward with me and just tossing me to someone else just to get tossed again is infuriating.

I've been enjoying my job. I get to do a lot of good things and I have loved and respected my supervisor until this point. Like be honest with me. Do you think I want to be here after that? Fuck no. I know I don't make the best money but the job environment, the people, and the work have been so enjoyable that I didn't mind, but after this, I'm done.

Be honest with your employees. That's all I ask.

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