
I actually might give up on job hunting

I am a very hard physical worker, I can do heavy repetitive work in my sleep, I bottle any concerns and I drudge through. The last couple years have been hell, had a solid factory job, never missed days, got sick once the entire time. Never had a problem at those job. Lost this job because of COVID. I have lost all my jobs over the last dozen years through no power of my own. call center after 2 years told us phone techs to make sales or get written up monthly then let go by using those “unable to meet sales targets” write ups. Restaurants literally are always about to close and let me go first, kitchen helper/dishwasher, refused to cook unless they needed me to, as they payed minimum, everywhere lol. Cooks made more than me, but I have the same safe food handling cert they all have.…

I am a very hard physical worker, I can do heavy repetitive work in my sleep, I bottle any concerns and I drudge through.

The last couple years have been hell, had a solid factory job, never missed days, got sick once the entire time. Never had a problem at those job. Lost this job because of COVID.

I have lost all my jobs over the last dozen years through no power of my own.

  • call center after 2 years told us phone techs to make sales or get written up monthly then let go by using those “unable to meet sales targets” write ups.

  • Restaurants literally are always about to close and let me go first, kitchen helper/dishwasher, refused to cook unless they needed me to, as they payed minimum, everywhere lol. Cooks made more than me, but I have the same safe food handling cert they all have. No culinary students, they don't work in the pits of grungy kitchens.

  • cleaning jobs, love cleaning, but everytime I was employed by psychopaths, most would hide stuff in ridiculous spots that don't need to be cleaned/ not contractually agreed upon, and then write me up for not doing the job properly.

The best cleaning job I ever had,. My boss got me let go for asking for help, worked 30 minutes passed my payed shift because the floors were absolutely fucked from salt, asked for help, got me let go at the end of my scheduled week, wasn't even 3 months into that one.

The few recent jobs have been abusing sometype of government wage subsidy/loan program, letting everyone new go before 3 months to say they cannot keep staff. These jobs have been posted daily for the last year and a half straight, I worked several of them. There was never a reason to be let go, but within the 3 months a company can literally say whatever reason they want. (A simple one being “not performing job duties” or something akin to that.

Just had an amazing interview but found out I wasn't qualified for the job, and they neglected to mention a large amount of considerations for the job itself that were not listed on the job listing.

It's becoming actually purely disheartening to even look for work anymore.

I know I'll be called a troll, or be told it's obviously me that's the problem, but I'd like to ask the community if anyone else has faced this type of luck with jobs + job hunting generally.

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