
Old company kept me on the payroll after I resigned. Do I have to return the paychecks?

I quit my old toxic job a few weeks ago. Finally! Then I noticed I received a direct deposit from them a week later. Odd, but maybe they were reimbursing me for my unused vacation. Then today, I had another deposit. I did the “right” thing and emailed HR. I figured it had to be a mistake, and they confirmed it was. They thanked me for my honesty, then asked I mail them a check totaling both deposits. Though I figured this would be the outcome, I’m hesitant to write the check. I think about the 60 hour workweeks and weekends, how my salary remained the same during my 3 years there no matter how nicely I asked for a raise, the toll the whole job took on my mental and physical well-being, and part of me considers this a reimbursement for all of that. Do I HAVE to return…

I quit my old toxic job a few weeks ago. Finally! Then I noticed I received a direct deposit from them a week later. Odd, but maybe they were reimbursing me for my unused vacation. Then today, I had another deposit.
I did the “right” thing and emailed HR. I figured it had to be a mistake, and they confirmed it was. They thanked me for my honesty, then asked I mail them a check totaling both deposits.
Though I figured this would be the outcome, I’m hesitant to write the check. I think about the 60 hour workweeks and weekends, how my salary remained the same during my 3 years there no matter how nicely I asked for a raise, the toll the whole job took on my mental and physical well-being, and part of me considers this a reimbursement for all of that. Do I HAVE to return it?

What are my options, if any?

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