
Vivint hates it’s Monitors

I work as a monitoring agent and I need help fucking with vivint home security. This is a throw away account, for obv reasons. They do a lot of things that piss me off typical of a huge company, but this was my last straw that broke my mental threshold. Besides being paid horribly to basically act as first responders in some of the worst days of people's lives… They've now instated new policies that require us as monitors to send referral codes to get more customers. Let me be clear. They HAVE a sales team. I work in the monitoring department. I specifically work graveyard. No customer wants to be pestered about a code they can share with people and get a small credit amount of it works. And sure, Vivint's profits continue to grow. They even offer us a small bonus if a new customer signs on with…

I work as a monitoring agent and I need help fucking with vivint home security. This is a throw away account, for obv reasons.

They do a lot of things that piss me off typical of a huge company, but this was my last straw that broke my mental threshold. Besides being paid horribly to basically act as first responders in some of the worst days of people's lives… They've now instated new policies that require us as monitors to send referral codes to get more customers.

Let me be clear. They HAVE a sales team. I work in the monitoring department. I specifically work graveyard. No customer wants to be pestered about a code they can share with people and get a small credit amount of it works. And sure, Vivint's profits continue to grow. They even offer us a small bonus if a new customer signs on with our code, but that's not enough.

It's not fucking worth the anxiety and panic that I already struggle with immeasurably. I'm not a sales person. I'm a monitor. The rule Vivint has now required is that we, as monitors, have to send out a certain percentage of codes based on our total alarms. If we don't meet that percentage, then we get a warning. Enough warnings and we will be fired. They busier Vivint gets, the more calls and more codes we have to send out, or we are punished. And don't even get me started on the turnover rate in this company.

I think that's what pisses me off the most. Vivint does
NOT have the employee numbers to sustain this. Every night, we're short staffed. People aren't staying on the job long enough to become certified in all of the locations that Vivint monitors, and they're constantly struggling with trying to train new people. It's complete madness.

I certainly feel like I'm overreacting sometimes. The referral code program honestly isn't the worst thing in the world. It's just all of the bad decisions around it and everything else compiled on to it that is taking me to a place that I feel like I can't return from unless I do something about it… Somehow.

So here I am just venting my rage to the internet but I want to do more than rage. Please can people help me demand more from Vivint?
How do I find their data that I can compare to raising costs and then post in every location I can find? How do I approach and talk to other employees about this?
Is there anyone else that feels the same? I like working as a monitor. I've been a lifeguard and also a teacher. I'm not a bad worker. I just seriously struggle with mental health issues and everything feels insurmountable by myself.

If nothing else, thanks for listening, reddit.

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