
I just want to do ONE job

Maybe this is the plight of other white collar workers – maybe blue collar workers too – but does anyone else feel like they have too many different responsibilities? It's not that I want an assembly line job, but because I do so many different tasks, I am adequate at everything instead of being excellent at one thing. For example, in my role I have to do sales/fundraising, event planning, marketing, writing, grant applications and reporting, direct mail, lead meetings, manage staff, and design and implement new strategies. Granted, I work for a nonprofit, but I wish I could just do just one (maybe) two of the above. I feel like I wouldn't be so overwhelmed and overworked and could excel, instead of just being ok.

Maybe this is the plight of other white collar workers – maybe blue collar workers too – but does anyone else feel like they have too many different responsibilities? It's not that I want an assembly line job, but because I do so many different tasks, I am adequate at everything instead of being excellent at one thing.

For example, in my role I have to do sales/fundraising, event planning, marketing, writing, grant applications and reporting, direct mail, lead meetings, manage staff, and design and implement new strategies. Granted, I work for a nonprofit, but I wish I could just do just one (maybe) two of the above. I feel like I wouldn't be so overwhelmed and overworked and could excel, instead of just being ok.

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