
Tired of working without adequate equipment.

I work in a place where we are short on equipment , some of our equipment barely works. And there was a bunch of broken equipment sitting in the corner. It was pretty slow today. So I gathered all the broken ones. And I salvaged enough good parts to make three functional pieces of equipment. One coworker was very happy about it, and another thanked me from the bottom of his heart. It was nice to be shown sincere appreciation and gratitude. I merely acted out of frustration. Our supervisor is lazy and cheap. What kills me is that, it's not like he's paying for it. I saw another department get new gear. Gear that we needed also. But didn't get because of our supervisor..urgh.

I work in a place where we are short on equipment , some of our equipment barely works. And there was a bunch of broken equipment sitting in the corner. It was pretty slow today. So I gathered all the broken ones. And I salvaged enough good parts to make three functional pieces of equipment. One coworker was very happy about it, and another thanked me from the bottom of his heart. It was nice to be shown sincere appreciation and gratitude. I merely acted out of frustration. Our supervisor is lazy and cheap. What kills me is that, it's not like he's paying for it. I saw another department get new gear. Gear that we needed also. But didn't get because of our supervisor..urgh.

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