
what to do when the person who was bullying you runs half of the HR department?

I recently had a manager come to my shop from out of region to 'train' us. It was a surprise visit and no one told us she was coming. All she did was micromanage and try to intimidate us by being super rude and hostile. She made two staff members have panic attacks with the way she treated us and I even went to my car and cried. The CEO happens to come to the shops fairly often to check on things. When he came to my shop, I tried talking to him about the situation as we all felt really uncomfortable. Before I could say anything, he interrupted me and told me that we have to deal with it and that we work for him, not the other way around. He then began to go on a rant about how our region is toxic and there is a lot…

I recently had a manager come to my shop from out of region to 'train' us. It was a surprise visit and no one told us she was coming. All she did was micromanage and try to intimidate us by being super rude and hostile. She made two staff members have panic attacks with the way she treated us and I even went to my car and cried.

The CEO happens to come to the shops fairly often to check on things. When he came to my shop, I tried talking to him about the situation as we all felt really uncomfortable. Before I could say anything, he interrupted me and told me that we have to deal with it and that we work for him, not the other way around. He then began to go on a rant about how our region is toxic and there is a lot of bullying going on. (To give you context, I just go to work to work, I don't involve myself in drama, I just go so I can make money and feel respected). So anyways he pretty much told me to get fucked. I didn't get a single word in about the situation.

More things happened with this manager that came to visit, but the problem is, the CEO runs most of the HR department. I literally went straight to the person I'm meant to go to about bullying and harrassment and he didn't let me have a single word in.

I know I can probably go to fair work Australia about this, but I don't even know if it's worth it. I'm looking for a new job now and so are pretty much all the other staff in my shop.

Is there anything else I should try? Or is it maybe a lot cause?

Tldr: tried going to the CEO about bullying and harrassment in my shop, he ignored me and belittled me instead. He runs most of HR, what do I do now?

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