
My Thoughts On This Movement –

This is my first time posting here although I have on and off looked at the page. I also want to add, I am a huge supporter of the general ideology but the way that I see some people going about this seems to be counter to making any kind of real change. Anyways, here is a comment I made on another post that sums up my thoughts and is in response to people actively trying to distance themselves from their co-workers or do the bare minimum: PSA – be paranoid and do not engage in discussions. Also, do not treat similarly situated people as people – they are in fact enemies and spies. The original post is a bad way to go about things. Instead, engage with your coworkers and people around you. Do not be afraid to express your beliefs and back them up with good points and…

This is my first time posting here although I have on and off looked at the page. I also want to add, I am a huge supporter of the general ideology but the way that I see some people going about this seems to be counter to making any kind of real change. Anyways, here is a comment I made on another post that sums up my thoughts and is in response to people actively trying to distance themselves from their co-workers or do the bare minimum:

PSA – be paranoid and do not engage in discussions. Also, do not treat similarly situated people as people – they are in fact enemies and spies.

The original post is a bad way to go about things.

Instead, engage with your coworkers and people around you. Do not be afraid to express your beliefs and back them up with good points and logic.

Prepare yourself to discuss these points and actively seek out ways to counter argue. We cannot continue to sit here on Reddit in an echo chamber and think we are doing anything to change the system.

Get the fuck up off your computer chairs and go to a protest. Go and buy a fucking shirt that states your beliefs and put a sticker on your car. Actively engage the racist uncle or bar tender and argue with them using sound logic, facts and statistics.

Get off this subreddit and Google some actual literature on socialist, anarchist thought, communal living, anything.

Finally – stop trying to disengage from the system and be a fucking bum. Instead, go full steam ahead and bust your fucking ass, become the manager/owner and change the policies from the top down. Run for political office and force change from within. Stop expecting anything to change unless you are prepared to make sacrifices, large sacrifices, to make something change.

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