
Schooled my pre-boomer dad on why “nobody wants to work.” These are the conversations we need to have.

He's in physical rehab after a mild stroke and wanted a bagel from his favorite place. They really are the best around and he tells me how incredibly successful the guy is who owns the place. So busy he never gets a day off, yadda yadda. So I say it sounds like he needs to hire more people. Dad says he can't find any. I say sounds like he isn't paying enough. He nods. Sounds like if he's that busy and successful, he can afford to pay a living wage. Then he'd have more time off for himself but he'd have to make a little less which seems fair if he's doing less work. My dad agrees. But since it sounds like he's being cheap and greedy, he'll work every day and make a ton more money he has no time to enjoy. That's what's really sad. Then I proceed…

He's in physical rehab after a mild stroke and wanted a bagel from his favorite place. They really are the best around and he tells me how incredibly successful the guy is who owns the place. So busy he never gets a day off, yadda yadda.

So I say it sounds like he needs to hire more people.

Dad says he can't find any.

I say sounds like he isn't paying enough.

He nods.

Sounds like if he's that busy and successful, he can afford to pay a living wage. Then he'd have more time off for himself but he'd have to make a little less which seems fair if he's doing less work.

My dad agrees.

But since it sounds like he's being cheap and greedy, he'll work every day and make a ton more money he has no time to enjoy. That's what's really sad.

Then I proceed to point out that there's plenty of people who want to work but find it pointless if it doesn't fulfill the basic needs to live.

That made sense to him and he actually gets it. He's been a Republican forever in a conservative area. Telling me how his medical bills are all taken care of with Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, I mused that those are socialist programs.

I know I sound like a jerk here, but it's only really because I'm trying to keep the story short. I'm no longer going to stay silent when I hear about a “poor” business owner who's very successful, yet “suffering” because “nobody wants to work.”

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