
Worked overtime so my boss could go drinking with his buddies this weekend

I work full time at a grocery store. I used to really enjoy working there but the past 4mo we have been short staffed and it’s been brutal. This sun/mon/tues some very high up people in the company are coming to look at the store so of course everyone has been scrambling to get everything ready. My boss asked me if I could work an extra shift this weekend to help out. I accepted because I want the extra money and it would be nice to have some extra time to finish some stuff that has been neglected. Halfway through my shift I learn that the reason the store manager isn’t there this entire weekend is because he’s visiting friends out of town for the weekend for “fun” (he also has a 3 week old baby just saying) My department manager took Thursday and Friday off and left after 3hrs…

I work full time at a grocery store. I used to really enjoy working there but the past 4mo we have been short staffed and it’s been brutal.

This sun/mon/tues some very high up people in the company are coming to look at the store so of course everyone has been scrambling to get everything ready. My boss asked me if I could work an extra shift this weekend to help out. I accepted because I want the extra money and it would be nice to have some extra time to finish some stuff that has been neglected. Halfway through my shift I learn that the reason the store manager isn’t there this entire weekend is because he’s visiting friends out of town for the weekend for “fun” (he also has a 3 week old baby just saying) My department manager took Thursday and Friday off and left after 3hrs today because he “wasn’t feeling mentally here”.

I was fucking PISSED. I can’t believe I am going above and beyond for this bullshit. I literally did not mind working extra at all since I know how important this weekend is. But to know that I’m busting my ass so that my managers can get a pat on the back Is unbelievable.

Anyway I took an extra break and clocked out an hour later then I was supposed to so I can have more overtime. I’m going to call in sick one day the higher ups are here and say I’m “just not mentally feeling it today”.

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