
How Wealth Inequality Could Be Ended Tomorrow

I really don't know where to start, I'm just a guy who for some reason stumbled upon this while exploring the internet. Please ctritize and question this idea/theory because I'm definitely missing something. I know a lot if this is found in Marxism or socialism etc. (This is where these ideas have come from) but why don't we have a law that would make companies distribute 50% of net revenue (after taxes, material costs, etc) evenly to all employees. This would be additional to their existing salaries, with also adding a law so an employee could only be paid up to 10x the lowest paid employee's salary. Take this example: The Royal Bank of Canada Net Revenue: $16 05 000 000 cdn Total employees: 85 301 Hypothetical Employee Entitlement: $8 025 000 000 Gross Compensation Per Employee: $94 078 For context, the average frontline employee grosses and average: $31 200…

I really don't know where to start, I'm just a guy who for some reason stumbled upon this while exploring the internet. Please ctritize and question this idea/theory because I'm definitely missing something.

I know a lot if this is found in Marxism or socialism etc. (This is where these ideas have come from) but why don't we have a law that would make companies distribute 50% of net revenue (after taxes, material costs, etc) evenly to all employees. This would be additional to their existing salaries, with also adding a law so an employee could only be paid up to 10x the lowest paid employee's salary.

Take this example:

The Royal Bank of Canada

Net Revenue: $16 05 000 000 cdn
Total employees: 85 301

Hypothetical Employee Entitlement: $8 025 000 000
Gross Compensation Per Employee: $94 078

For context, the average frontline employee grosses and average: $31 200

New Total Compensation: $125 278

You would literally increase the buying power of the lowest paid employee's by almost four fold, which obviously is the majority of employees. It would be proportional to the work completed as well since everyone is required for this to function well, and if it does everyone should benefits.

I also understand hard work and talent needs to be rewarded, but we also have to acknowledge just how unfair it is to reward people based on either genetically inherited intelligence or the privlage of opportunity. But as I stated previously you would still maintain the base salary you had previously earned meaning you will still have additional compensation.

This is income that could also be tax free since again this is money already not going to the government so our current systems could stay in place and be maintained. Personally I believe a lower tax percentage would suffice, potentially having an arbitrary percentage that is equal to a governments tax increase by say 10%.

Again, this feels almost juvenile given how simple this is which is why I am posting this to hopefully be proven right, but at the very least discussed.

Although I think a final important note to make here is what is humanity's goal when existing on the planet together? Is it simply to work and consume while allowing corporations to accrue ever more wealth? Or potentially, could it be to provide everyone equal opportunities, with real freedom to allow a person chose how they spend their limited life here.

Thanks for reading!

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