
Doing Too Much (rant)

Rant. I'm a former operations manager with a wide skill set. At my peak I was making $67k/year and was comfortable – I did not need to make more money to keep up with my lifestyle and hold down a healthy savings. After being laid off, I've been holding down one part time job making $20/hr for a year and in the last 9 months have been working at a restaurant for $14.50/hr. I'm barely holding it together to cover my bills and have fallen behind on car payments, car insurance, and medical bills. I have enough to cover rent, phone, groceries, and a tank of gas each month. To say I'm losing my mind is an understatement. I've applied to at least 50 jobs since the start of the year, probably 50 more last fall, and have gotten an interview for two with no offers. I am constantly on…


I'm a former operations manager with a wide skill set. At my peak I was making $67k/year and was comfortable – I did not need to make more money to keep up with my lifestyle and hold down a healthy savings.

After being laid off, I've been holding down one part time job making $20/hr for a year and in the last 9 months have been working at a restaurant for $14.50/hr. I'm barely holding it together to cover my bills and have fallen behind on car payments, car insurance, and medical bills. I have enough to cover rent, phone, groceries, and a tank of gas each month.

To say I'm losing my mind is an understatement. I've applied to at least 50 jobs since the start of the year, probably 50 more last fall, and have gotten an interview for two with no offers. I am constantly on job boards, I've updated my resume, I write great cover letters. Nothing seems to help.

On top of that all, the restaurant asks me to switch my role at least once a week. While I'm supposed to be working in the bar, they'll have me host, run the dishpit, or expo instead. Sometimes I'll come in at 4 for my shift and be told at 6 I have to stay till close (1am or later) to cover the dishpit. It happened last night and I've been forewarned it's happening today.

I get one day off a week. I don't make enough money to spend that day doing anything so I stay in my little apartment and just watch TV. I'm so depressed, I'm so overworked, and I can't find a way out. I have no savings, I'm afraid I'm going to have to give up my vehicle (behind on payments) which is the only way I can get to my family or do the necessary travel for one of my jobs every few months.

I'm just at my wits end. Thanks for letting me rant.

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