
I work with a few construction guys who are making too much money.

I (m30 something (honestly not sure, and not doing the math)) am a shipping coordinator for a building supply production warehouse. In a nutshell; I make sure things go. Most companies with whom I work have people working the same position as I. I call them, they call me, we email each other, it's an orchestrated effort to make sure the product gets to the job site when it needs to be there, not late and definitely not early. There is some natural pressure built in (no pun) to the position as anyone who has worked in the construction business well knows. Well… Inevitably there is going to be the guy (that guy) who wants to do it all themself. They run a business as lean as they possibly can, “you see, it's just me and my brother in law and his 12 year old… I can't be everywhere at…

I (m30 something (honestly not sure, and not doing the math)) am a shipping coordinator for a building supply production warehouse. In a nutshell; I make sure things go.

Most companies with whom I work have people working the same position as I. I call them, they call me, we email each other, it's an orchestrated effort to make sure the product gets to the job site when it needs to be there, not late and definitely not early.

There is some natural pressure built in (no pun) to the position as anyone who has worked in the construction business well knows. Well… Inevitably there is going to be the guy (that guy) who wants to do it all themself. They run a business as lean as they possibly can, “you see, it's just me and my brother in law and his 12 year old… I can't be everywhere at once” they'll say. Then proceed to treat our shipping to coordinators (me) like I'm their personal logistics person.

I've had to create special spreadsheets because they are constantly in a fluid state of readiness (this is not a problem as long as we know if it's a go or no go before the truck is loaded). I tried sending confirmations via text so there is a written record. After calling one of them out for rejecting a scheduled shipment, he came at me with this gem the other day: “I've had about enough of this texting shit” (translation: having my decisions in writing is inconvenient for me, because it means I can't blame anyone else when my directions are followed).

These men are clearly making too much money. Their problems are solved by simply hiring someone to track their jobs for them. I often tell them they can put me on the payroll with a 30% raise and they'll never have to coordinate shipping again. They think I'm joking.

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