
What’s the point of working for 40+ years? Few awful years of retirement in exchange?

I'm not even 25 yet but I already don't see a reason to live past 40. I mean what for? I'm already wasting the best years of my life at some crappy jobs earning barely enough to survive from month to month just to make it somehow to retirement. Currently the age of retirement in my country is 64 but economists already agree that it has to be changed to 70 in the next decade because the population is rapidly getting old. Like what's the point of that? Working till you are 70? I will be sick as fuck by then. I have 3x bigger chance to get cancer than the general population and also family history of other chronical painful diseases. I will retire at 70 sick as fuck and spend the last awful years of life going to the doctors and they be like ''Bruhh you're old as…

I'm not even 25 yet but I already don't see a reason to live past 40. I mean what for? I'm already wasting the best years of my life at some crappy jobs earning barely enough to survive from month to month just to make it somehow to retirement. Currently the age of retirement in my country is 64 but economists already agree that it has to be changed to 70 in the next decade because the population is rapidly getting old.

Like what's the point of that? Working till you are 70? I will be sick as fuck by then. I have 3x bigger chance to get cancer than the general population and also family history of other chronical painful diseases.

I will retire at 70 sick as fuck and spend the last awful years of life going to the doctors and they be like ''Bruhh you're old as fuck, what do you want from us? It's just a waste of resources to take care of someone like you who will die soon anyway.''

Better to depart from this shitty system while I'm still in my ''prime''.

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