
Being forced to quit my first job cos they stopped paying me.

I started working in this tech shop last October, it was a decent job, it was on minimum pay but I wasn't too bothered as I finished college a few months before and also I like tech stuff so being took in as a IT Technician seemed great. They paid me for my work every week with cash in hand, again wasn't too bothered cos it was my first job, but after a while I asked for it to be playslips through the bank as they started getting a bit sloppy about it and paying me a day or 2 late. They had my bank details but always said they were gonna do that for me the next week, next week never came. Fast forward to just after Christmas, I noticed I haven't been paid for 3 weeks, so I asked the question on when I will be getting paid,…

I started working in this tech shop last October, it was a decent job, it was on minimum pay but I wasn't too bothered as I finished college a few months before and also I like tech stuff so being took in as a IT Technician seemed great.

They paid me for my work every week with cash in hand, again wasn't too bothered cos it was my first job, but after a while I asked for it to be playslips through the bank as they started getting a bit sloppy about it and paying me a day or 2 late. They had my bank details but always said they were gonna do that for me the next week, next week never came.

Fast forward to just after Christmas, I noticed I haven't been paid for 3 weeks, so I asked the question on when I will be getting paid, bearing in mind that I am still coming into work and doing everything perfectly fine.

Got to late January and they still hadn't paid me. So I quit immediately. Soon after this I learned that my fellow colleague who had worked with them for years and now for a part time job, was also owed money but they did get this back shortly after.

Since then, I have made many phone calls and text messages to my employer to give me my money that he owed me (over £700) and I never got a useful answer. The website for the place has been taken down and I've learnt he is now doing business under a different name sharing a place with another tech shop and the 2 phone numbers I have for them, I believe to be blocked or taken down. I never got an email for them and I can't check now either because of the website going down.

I've been talking to many people now for legal help with citizens advice and ACAS, this probably will go to court as my old employer isn't contacting them also so yeah, what a great start to the work life. I did manage to get myself another job sorted that pays way more and seems way more legit than my old one which I start soon.

Still want my bloody money tho.

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