
I think I may be fired tomorrow

Context: Work in a big-4 consultancy Last Friday, at 2030 (already worked 10 and a half hours), I was reviewing a file to be sent to the client. I found a lot of errors and informed my manager (who stops working at 1700 and goes out) that we could not send this out today. I was then berated for not giving jt my all, not going beyond (after doing 5×10 hour days while the inefficienct worker logs off early), and being careless. I was asked to mail a delay message to the client (more on this later). I interrupted my Pm and said we will discuss it on Monday as its the Friday night. I have plans. And i straight away told that I wont do this regularly to get a better bonus (2% difference between average and a good performer). Plus, I am salaried and dont get paid as…

Context: Work in a big-4 consultancy

Last Friday, at 2030 (already worked 10 and a half hours), I was reviewing a file to be sent to the client. I found a lot of errors and informed my manager (who stops working at 1700 and goes out) that we could not send this out today. I was then berated for not giving jt my all, not going beyond (after doing 5×10 hour days while the inefficienct worker logs off early), and being careless. I was asked to mail a delay message to the client (more on this later).

I interrupted my Pm and said we will discuss it on Monday as its the Friday night. I have plans. And i straight away told that I wont do this regularly to get a better bonus (2% difference between average and a good performer). Plus, I am salaried and dont get paid as much as you. Taking about money like this to your managers is frowned in my country (India). He stayed silent and told me goodbye. I have a monday meeting scheduled with PM, HoD, and I to discuss my ‘Further outlook’. Cherry on top was HR contacting me later that night (ON A FRIDAY NIGHT) for my ‘unprofessional’ behaviour not in line with org goals (Partners and directors make at least half a mil in a third world country. Why should I even care?)

Now the client that I mentioned is a stingy person. He demanded a video call apology from my end on a Saturday. A senior director got involved in this. I just refused to do it stating its not a part of my role duties.

Mind it that this is a rather big consultancy service. Pay is good for the braindead copy paste work that I do. But this is it. I can not take it anymore.

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