
Can HR legally request salary information from a past employer?

One of my old employers from several years ago reached out to me begging me to come back to work for them, as most people who they hired after I left were quitting for better opportunities. This has left them in a huge bind, so they looked up my contact info from LinkedIn and reached out. This is a wonderful employer who I left on good terms and still run into on a regular basis while out and about. I would love to go back to work for them, but I also want to make sure I’m not lowballed on salary. I fully expect them to lowball me, and I plan to negotiate without spilling how much I make at my current job. What I’m afraid of is their HR team will request exactly what I make and that my current employers HR team will reveal it. Is compensation something…

One of my old employers from several years ago reached out to me begging me to come back to work for them, as most people who they hired after I left were quitting for better opportunities. This has left them in a huge bind, so they looked up my contact info from LinkedIn and reached out.

This is a wonderful employer who I left on good terms and still run into on a regular basis while out and about. I would love to go back to work for them, but I also want to make sure I’m not lowballed on salary.

I fully expect them to lowball me, and I plan to negotiate without spilling how much I make at my current job. What I’m afraid of is their HR team will request exactly what I make and that my current employers HR team will reveal it.

Is compensation something that can be legally obtained from a current/past employer? I don’t want them to screw over any leverage I have.

EDIT: this is in NC/SC area.

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