
Putting me into projects without giving me basic training.

Hi everyone, first post here. Just wanted to check if the below scenario is normal. I joined a company as a fresher and without even giving me basic training the put me as a lead of one part of a project with a major international client. I panicked but I managed to pull it off by learning basic stuff through YouTube and Google. They were very happy and gave me a good feedback and a small promotion within a year. My great nightmare started after the second project started and they put me as a lead for the same part of the project again. But this time the requirements were way beyond anything I could ever imagine. And I understood this could only be done by an experienced professional and not by someone who just learned basics through Google and even my company knows that. It's a team job and…

Hi everyone, first post here. Just wanted to check if the below scenario is normal.

I joined a company as a fresher and without even giving me basic training the put me as a lead of one part of a project with a major international client. I panicked but I managed to pull it off by learning basic stuff through YouTube and Google. They were very happy and gave me a good feedback and a small promotion within a year.
My great nightmare started after the second project started and they put me as a lead for the same part of the project again. But this time the requirements were way beyond anything I could ever imagine. And I understood this could only be done by an experienced professional and not by someone who just learned basics through Google and even my company knows that. It's a team job and I'm the only person in my company who knows the basics and it's all over my shoulders to complete it. I am stressed af and panicking a lot. Not eating well nor sleeping because the project is getting delayed because of my side of activities are still not complete and I don't know why but I feel guilty for not being able to complete it.
Because of my lack of eating I developed health issues and now under meds but still stressing over this issue.

I just wanted to know if its normal for companies to put inexperienced freshers as lead for major projects and if anyone has faced similar issues like me.

Thanks for hearing me out

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