
Just another rant about 2 awful companies

This is a place to rant about leaving a job right? A couple years ago I took a job working for a contract company (with a generic female name… Let's say Kelly) that works with a big Fortune 500 company in a small town. Part of the understanding is that I'm hired on as a contractor with expectations that I will get brought in down the road. It sucks, but in the beginning it was decent pay and decent benefits for decent work, and I'm actually excited about getting involved with IT work. FFW to the middle of the pandemic, during a monthly mandatory safety meeting, Kelly decides to cut sick days for all contractors. It's not good enough that these workers run all the dangerous processes for the F500 company, but now they need to use vacation days to call out sick in the middle of a pandemic. Kelly…

This is a place to rant about leaving a job right?

A couple years ago I took a job working for a contract company (with a generic female name… Let's say Kelly) that works with a big Fortune 500 company in a small town. Part of the understanding is that I'm hired on as a contractor with expectations that I will get brought in down the road. It sucks, but in the beginning it was decent pay and decent benefits for decent work, and I'm actually excited about getting involved with IT work.

FFW to the middle of the pandemic, during a monthly mandatory safety meeting, Kelly decides to cut sick days for all contractors. It's not good enough that these workers run all the dangerous processes for the F500 company, but now they need to use vacation days to call out sick in the middle of a pandemic. Kelly blames the state regulations changing, but for all the BS about how they go above and beyond about keeping their workers safe, Kelly decides to drop the best way to keep workers healthy in the middle of a Pandemic.

Also, no manual raise this year.

So I go to my boss at the F500 company (sort of split leadership thing) and ask if there's anyway to be brought in like our understanding. They start talking about how HR just can't really swing it right now.

After a couple months, more people start leaving across the board. We are up to 4 gone now on our 15 person team. One guy has been here for 16 years, and he trained me on several very difficult processes (basically groomed me to take his position because he was trying to help me get hired). So I ask again about being brought in and get shut down. Before the other guy leaves, we are both asked to come in and train a new team member on all of these systems…

I agreed to do it because the guy who trained me is actually a good friend, and a genuine guy who wanted to help, so I did it for my friend. In the process, I get to talking with my boss and come to find out they are hiring yet another person too for the same thing and get asked to do the same thing again, but after my friend leaves in a few months.

I told him that I'd only do it if I could be brought on fully to Dow. Dude laughed in my face.

Once I got a signed offer from another place, I offered that F500 leader one last chance to bring me in because the 1 week of training that my friend and I gave the new guy was not going to have been sufficient. He actually said he would work on it this time which gave me hope. I asked if he could give me something signed or in paper as soon as possible and he paused for a while before asking why his word wasn't good enough. I said I had no issue with his word, but I've been strung along for going on 3 years now, and needed something concrete.

“Ya, that's not going to happen.”

I send in my two weeks notice and he asks me to come into the office to talk (been working remote since the beginning of COVID).

I go in and listen to him rant about the others who have left and how we just need to think it through because we are too young to understand how good we have it.

I listened and pushed back asking why he thinks he has lost so much of his team? I told him again I need something in writing, and I'm going to be asking 2x my current salary (because I know my friend made way more). My boss said that wasn't possible, and then started listing off how I don't really do anything anyway, so it's not really worth it to keep me on.

On my way out I talked to the guy I trained and let him know I was leaving. He basically begged me to stay until I told him how much I was making. His jaw dropped and he told me he was making about 100k more than that.

New job starts soon, super excited there, but ya, now I'm just hoping that nothing else happens in my last week.

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