
Single mom with a sick kids manager called and yells I’m not allowed to call off

I’m 28 single mom of 2 young kids and my 5 year old woke up at 3 am saying she was dizzy she was hot checked temp and she was 101. I texted my gm per her request to give her as much notice if I thought I had a problem that my kid had a fever and wasn’t sure if I could make it to work. I texted again at 4 that I was for sure not going to make it in since my kids fever hadn’t broke and daycare policy needed kids 24 hour fever free. My shift was 8am I had texted another manager at 630 to make sure they were aware. They were not my gm never let them know so manager calls me saying I can’t call out less then 2 hours before my shift and I have to come in they need me and…

I’m 28 single mom of 2 young kids and my 5 year old woke up at 3 am saying she was dizzy she was hot checked temp and she was 101. I texted my gm per her request to give her as much notice if I thought I had a problem that my kid had a fever and wasn’t sure if I could make it to work. I texted again at 4 that I was for sure not going to make it in since my kids fever hadn’t broke and daycare policy needed kids 24 hour fever free. My shift was 8am I had texted another manager at 630 to make sure they were aware. They were not my gm never let them know so manager calls me saying I can’t call out less then 2 hours before my shift and I have to come in they need me and I gotta figure it out. She passed the phone to manager 2 who asked what was going on and I said my kid had a fever and daycare wouldn’t take them he said he would make calls and get back to me said I could bring her to work and do a hour or so. Being single mom I don’t have the option to straight up quit but at this point I’m blown out of the water that I’m being yelled at over something I can’t control. No real advice needed just venting it out so I don’t go crazy.

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