
6 day roster without being asked

WIBTA if I put my foot down and refuse to work 6 days a week? The situation is that management gave a bunch of our staff leave all at the same time. That decision had nothing to do with me, I’d have said no after the 1st one, maybe 2. So now the boss has just started rostering those of us not on leave for 6 day weeks, this week will be week 4 of this. This is a physically demanding job, and I’m pushing 40 and a mother of 3. They also could clearly tell at my interview that I wasn’t a fan of the hours, because after telling me what they were (2pm till 10pm) and seeing my face, they quickly assured me that we all take turns at the shitty shift, which was an outright lie because I’ve been on this shift since I started 6 months…

WIBTA if I put my foot down and refuse to work 6 days a week? The situation is that management gave a bunch of our staff leave all at the same time. That decision had nothing to do with me, I’d have said no after the 1st one, maybe 2. So now the boss has just started rostering those of us not on leave for 6 day weeks, this week will be week 4 of this. This is a physically demanding job, and I’m pushing 40 and a mother of 3. They also could clearly tell at my interview that I wasn’t a fan of the hours, because after telling me what they were (2pm till 10pm) and seeing my face, they quickly assured me that we all take turns at the shitty shift, which was an outright lie because I’ve been on this shift since I started 6 months ago. All that being said, I like to be helpful and I probably would have agreed to do it, had I been asked, but it’s really rubbing me the wrong way that they just kinda snuck it onto the roster and, idk, hoped I wouldn’t say anything? That fact alone is really making me want to say no, I agreed to 5 days and I’m not doing 6. WIBTA if I do that?

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