
Same story, different company.

TLDR; Loved working for my company. Had record breaking sales for years (and currently), bring in new management that makes us work 60-80hr weeks; gets 3% merit increase even though inflation is 7.5%+. Need help deciding next step. I’ve been happily working at my employer for 12 years. Sure I was slightly underpaid, but I worked with a great team and had a lot of flexibility. I enjoyed the work I did, it makes a positive difference in the world. A few years ago, the company was sold to a Forbes 5 company. For the first few years things stayed the same; we know our market and had record breaking sales every year. We grew the company with no new products, at a rate of double digits (we are talking about 25%+ growth for multiple years in a row.) The last year however has been incredibly demanding. I have learned…

TLDR; Loved working for my company. Had record breaking sales for years (and currently), bring in new management that makes us work 60-80hr weeks; gets 3% merit increase even though inflation is 7.5%+. Need help deciding next step.

I’ve been happily working at my employer for 12 years. Sure I was slightly underpaid, but I worked with a great team and had a lot of flexibility. I enjoyed the work I did, it makes a positive difference in the world.

A few years ago, the company was sold to a Forbes 5 company. For the first few years things stayed the same; we know our market and had record breaking sales every year. We grew the company with no new products, at a rate of double digits (we are talking about 25%+ growth for multiple years in a row.) The last year however has been incredibly demanding.

I have learned many new skills in my personal time. The skills I’ve learned have allowed me to automate processes and take on special projects as needed. Unfortunately, they keep loading more and more onto my plate; and now I’m working 60-80 hour weeks for the same pay (because I’m salaried.) I have to work on days I take off, or else I fall too far behind. My house is a wreck, my husband feels neglected, and I’m totally burnt out. I worked this hard because I’m working towards a new role within the company and felt the need to prove myself. Keep in mind, I’ve only worked more than 40 hours in the last year. Prior to that it was a steady 8-4,M-F job; which was a huge part of the appeal.

Cue last month, “Leadership” had a big meeting to share the success of our record sales from 2021, tell us how much they appreciate us, and are working to retain talent, etc.

Last week, I got my “merit” increase. It was 3%. And I got one of the highest rates. I’m furious. I don’t think my company is my family, I know it’s strictly business. I’m not naive. But to make a huge presentation to the entire company about raising pay bands, pay/merit increases, taking care of employees to retain talent, AND brag about the huge growth numbers….and then to turn around and give 1-3% increases when inflation is 7.5%+!?

Hard stop. I’m done. I’m done working nights, I’m done working during my PTO to stay caught up. I’m done with the drop of a hat requests that are absurd. I’m done helping a company who now puts profits over being a “good” company.

So Antiwork, I’m unsure what I should do next. Ultimately I want to walk in and drop my laptop off, say a big FU to management and never go back. But I have a family and insurance is through my job; so quitting on the spot isn’t an option. I manage multiple programs that account for almost 40% of our sales. I built and started the programs, I am the only one who knows how to manage them. So if I quit, all of that knowledge leaves with me and will take the company significant time to figure out. Here are my realistic response options of response:

  1. Write a strongly worded email and send it to my boss, the CEO, and HR for our parent company. But continue working(bare minimum) while looking for a job.

  2. Respond to my increase email with my 2 weeks notice. I can easily and quickly find freelance work to help pay bills while I find a better job. Insurance is my main concern here, because I have a toddler.

  3. Try to get fired so I can collect unemployment. I struggle with this one, if I don’t do my work, it directly impacts my colleagues (and it’s not their fault.)

  4. Keep working while I find another job. Don’t say anything. Leave when I find something better, with little to no notice.

I’ve seen some really good advice on here, hoping you all can share some with me. I’m definitely thinking emotionally and not logically.

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