
Anyone here strive to be something bigger?

This sun confuses me, there’s so much talk around work and employers suck and employees put in so much and get nothing back, followed by posts berating billionaires and company owners etc. Why is there no one trying to give themselves a bigger piece of the pie? Start your own small companies, try some side hustles build some capitol. The idea seems to be “I want to work but not for an employer who takes advantage” well be your own boss? It just seems the whole ethos of this sun seems to be to complain about the state of working and then go find another regular job.

This sun confuses me, there’s so much talk around work and employers suck and employees put in so much and get nothing back, followed by posts berating billionaires and company owners etc.

Why is there no one trying to give themselves a bigger piece of the pie? Start your own small companies, try some side hustles build some capitol.

The idea seems to be “I want to work but not for an employer who takes advantage” well be your own boss?

It just seems the whole ethos of this sun seems to be to complain about the state of working and then go find another regular job.

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