
80 cent raise after a decade of wage stagnation

I mostly just need to vent. I'm an LPN. I work for Buckeye Health Plan – a state contracted Medicaid insurance plan, which is owned by Centene Corporation. Now, I can't find any of Buckeye's executive staff's wages, but the fact that the CEO of Centene brings home $23 million annually is public record. I hit my 10 years in October. I submitted a raise request, showing how my wage is stagnant. In 2011, I was hired in at $21/hr. $21 then had the buying power of $26 today. I was asking for $33/hr, to make up for the stagnation. That's how much I'd have to make to have the SAME buying power now as I did then. Meanwhile, rent went up $59 last year and $89 this year. My insurance rates have gone up so much, I now take home less money than I ever have the entire time…

I mostly just need to vent. I'm an LPN. I work for Buckeye Health Plan – a state contracted Medicaid insurance plan, which is owned by Centene Corporation. Now, I can't find any of Buckeye's executive staff's wages, but the fact that the CEO of Centene brings home $23 million annually is public record.

I hit my 10 years in October. I submitted a raise request, showing how my wage is stagnant. In 2011, I was hired in at $21/hr. $21 then had the buying power of $26 today. I was asking for $33/hr, to make up for the stagnation. That's how much I'd have to make to have the SAME buying power now as I did then. Meanwhile, rent went up $59 last year and $89 this year. My insurance rates have gone up so much, I now take home less money than I ever have the entire time I've worked there.

I've been waiting for this moment since October, because now is when the entire company receives their raises.

80 CENTS. So, after ten years and my request, I now make $28.45. Centene's CEO literally makes 400 times what I make. Who knows what Buckeye's CEO makes. Meanwhile, the quality of care, continuity and coverage continues to decline for my plan members. If I could say, “Fuck you, I quit” today I would. It's definitely time to move on though. I used to think I worked for a good company. They've made it very clear that I don't owe them any loyalty.

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