
Why I quit my job

I recently quit my job for a better opportunity. It was a small local business, 9 employees. We did hard manual labor outside in all weather. Including 30 below zero. My boss referred to himself as “the king”. He would belittle his guys, call them stupid and so on. You could never accomplish enough in a day. We got our Christmas bonus last year and it was pretty light because the company “didn’t have the money”…his wife bought him a $100,000 piece of equipment for a Christmas gift, because they “needed to lose some money cause they made so much”….this is all stuff the owner told us. And THEN he would BRAG about having so much money to us. While we all live paycheck to paycheck. Can’t believe I did that for 3 years.

I recently quit my job for a better opportunity. It was a small local business, 9 employees. We did hard manual labor outside in all weather. Including 30 below zero. My boss referred to himself as “the king”. He would belittle his guys, call them stupid and so on. You could never accomplish enough in a day. We got our Christmas bonus last year and it was pretty light because the company “didn’t have the money”…his wife bought him a $100,000 piece of equipment for a Christmas gift, because they “needed to lose some money cause they made so much”….this is all stuff the owner told us. And THEN he would BRAG about having so much money to us. While we all live paycheck to paycheck. Can’t believe I did that for 3 years.

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