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Why is it so bad to tell future employers about the truth of your current employer? I am a recruiter, seeking a job in the recruitment industry. I find it hard to lie. I also find it difficult to tell the truth about my current employer without sounding like I'm not loyal. I consider myself quite loyal. So loyal that I took a $10,000 pay cut to stay with my current company. They haven't followed through with promises and now I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do I tell the truth, or do I say my current employer was honest and fair?

Why is it so bad to tell future employers about the truth of your current employer? I am a recruiter, seeking a job in the recruitment industry. I find it hard to lie. I also find it difficult to tell the truth about my current employer without sounding like I'm not loyal. I consider myself quite loyal. So loyal that I took a $10,000 pay cut to stay with my current company. They haven't followed through with promises and now I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do I tell the truth, or do I say my current employer was honest and fair?

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