
I lost my leg in an accident at work and today I was expecting my settlement..

I lost my leg in an accident at work and today I was expecting my settlement.. Only to be told the accident is still “under investigation” over a year later. I only use this reddit account to share the ups and down in my life and I post alot but delete a lot so I won’t be putting in personal identifying information on purpose and I'll be vague but over a year ago I was involved in an accident at a warehouse in Idaho. My supervisor was operating heavy machinery and wasn’t paying attention (later discovered to be high) and ran into my station despite my bright ass safety vest and hat. My left leg was crushed beyond rehabilitation. It was basically mush. My supervisor left the property immediately, without calling for help, and later refused a mandatory drug test. I laid in agony for 30 minutes alone, waiting for…

I lost my leg in an accident at work and today I was expecting my settlement..

Only to be told the accident is still “under investigation” over a year later. I only use this reddit account to share the ups and down in my life and I post alot but delete a lot so I won’t be putting in personal identifying information on purpose and I'll be vague but over a year ago I was involved in an accident at a warehouse in Idaho. My supervisor was operating heavy machinery and wasn’t paying attention (later discovered to be high) and ran into my station despite my bright ass safety vest and hat.

My left leg was crushed beyond rehabilitation. It was basically mush. My supervisor left the property immediately, without calling for help, and later refused a mandatory drug test. I laid in agony for 30 minutes alone, waiting for my coworker to come back from break. This was in the middle of the pandemic, 16 workers who had tested positive so we were understaffed. Supervisor was high, lied about who was operating the machine and tried pinning it on my coworker except he was on break and his time card saved him. I don't know the specifics on what happened with my supervisor but he was transferred to another warehouse in a different state but with the same company.

When I was in the hospital the company extended an offer to my wife when I was incapacitated. I’d get a third of my income, be able to keep my job, and would get a settlement after the investigation cleared. Looking back now I don't know how legal this was but I did agree to it when my wife explained it. I had a house with no mortgage, I had a small savings built up, and I didn’t think an investigation would take so long.

The accident happened on the clock, I was wearing the OSHA required gear, and I had no drugs or alcohol in my system. I also had an eye witness statement from my coworker about how he found me. I was given a “promotion” to a desk job at my original pay which I’m supposed to start next month. Except I can’t return to work until the investigation is complete, everything is “when the investigation is over”.

Today was supposed to be the day. I’ve lost significant weight and my prosthetic leg no longer fits and the money to modify it is taking money out of my son's mouth which I’m not going to do. This accident caused my wife to realize she is not attracted to me with one leg and has since moved on and surrendered her rights to our son. I now have him permanently full time which is great except we don’t have running water. I have a huge deposit to pay the water company before I can get service because my ex wrote bad checks years ago. We have been showering at truck stops and relying 100% on food pantries but that isn’t going to work anymore because of gas prices, limited amount of times I can go to the pantry, and my son is terrified of the truck stop.

I kept saying we only had to get through til March 14 when I got the money. I was denied food stamps and am waiting on child support. I don't know what to do, I don’t know what to say, I’m losing hope. I make “too much” for social services. I can’t crowdfund donations because of my disability case. I’ve thought about finding a new job but any job where I would make enough to sustain us is going to require a physical that I won’t pass.

What should I do? Should I try to find a pro bono lawyer? I don't understand why it keeps getting extended. Not to make this a sob story and I say this with pure raw grief, I’ve started thinking about giving my son up to foster care. I would never use my disability for my gain but I think it would be a good enough reason. That makes me sick to my stomach and makes me feel like a monster when it’s the company I work for who is causing this.

I know this accident wasn’t my fault. I don't want to be the poor schmuck who lost his leg whose life is over.

TL:DR: Accident at work results in a leg amputation and the company is dragging their feet “investigating” which is a luxury I can not afford.

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