
Benefits are not benefits if you have no money to utilize them.

Say it with me folks. Benefits (Health, Dental, 401k), are not benefits if you at the end of the month, don't have money to utilize them. Every job right now is harping on about the ' Excellent Benefit Package '. Dental, Vision, Health, the works. But please remember that even with the best insurance you net through those benefits, if you don't have the money at the end of the month to take advantage of them, they are simply a drain on your own bottom line. Vision, glasses. Great. The eye exam most of the time is completely covered. But frames, lenses? Only partially. You going to be stuck with that $100-200 bill for glasses? Health. Gotta love it. Keeps us alive. Doctor's visit is usually 20-40 copay. But what happens when your health provider says your meds are unnecessary, and to try a bargain bin brand that you've tried…

Say it with me folks. Benefits (Health, Dental, 401k), are not benefits if you at the end of the month, don't have money to utilize them.

Every job right now is harping on about the ' Excellent Benefit Package '. Dental, Vision, Health, the works. But please remember that even with the best insurance you net through those benefits, if you don't have the money at the end of the month to take advantage of them, they are simply a drain on your own bottom line.

Vision, glasses. Great. The eye exam most of the time is completely covered. But frames, lenses? Only partially. You going to be stuck with that $100-200 bill for glasses?

Health. Gotta love it. Keeps us alive. Doctor's visit is usually 20-40 copay. But what happens when your health provider says your meds are unnecessary, and to try a bargain bin brand that you've tried before, and just didn't work right? You willing to eat that $400 for the meds you need?

Dental. Who doesn't love healthy teeth? Let's forget that a great deal of procedures ain't covered under benefits. You going to eat that thousand dollar bill for that root canal you needed?

401k. Let's not even joke about that one. You and I both know none of us will live long enough to collect.

Benefits are a joke. They work great when you have the cash to utilize them. Otherwise, if your being paid under $20 an hour, you can forget about ever utilizing a single one.

Fuck Benefits.

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