
6 years of my life absolutely wasted working for some absolute cretins

I've worked at funeral directors for 6 years. 6 years of my life going on call all for weeks on end. Any time day or night to pick up deceased people of all shapes in sizes in some horrible places. Breaking my back through covid picking up multiple people day in day out. My main boss got half the business for sleeping with the original owner and then dumping him and bringing in his new fellar, making him a manager and paying him a very good wage for literally doing nothing. Literally zero work. He just has a title. I can't emphasize this enough, literally 0 work. Anyway me and another colleague, the only 2 in the business that do everything from body preparation to directing. Going to the funerals, working round the building keeping it going, sorting the cars, sorting literally everything while they do nothing. Absolutely nothing. They…

I've worked at funeral directors for 6 years. 6 years of my life going on call all for weeks on end. Any time day or night to pick up deceased people of all shapes in sizes in some horrible places. Breaking my back through covid picking up multiple people day in day out.
My main boss got half the business for sleeping with the original owner and then dumping him and bringing in his new fellar, making him a manager and paying him a very good wage for literally doing nothing. Literally zero work. He just has a title. I can't emphasize this enough, literally 0 work.
Anyway me and another colleague, the only 2 in the business that do everything from body preparation to directing. Going to the funerals, working round the building keeping it going, sorting the cars, sorting literally everything while they do nothing. Absolutely nothing. They put no money back in the business at all they just go on holiday multiple times a year and love telling everyone they run a business.
So it turns out me and the other colleague coincidentally have job interviews and are leaving due to poor management, rubbish wage and forever being on call.
The other colleague tells them he's planning on going so they call me to a meeting and ask what I'm going to do and offer me the 40p extra he gets for doing the shite jobs they palm off onto him whenever they can and that's before he has even handed his notice in.
I explain I also have a job interview but for 25k I would stay. They say no. Fair enough I say.

Before I have even had my interview at the new place (a completely different industry) they start blocking me on FB, they start taking parts of the uniform away. The partner to the guy who has half of it now completely blanks me when I see him.
So I hand my notice in after having 2 job interviews go really well and both offer me a part.
Now me and my colleague aren't being spoken to, they aren't giving the other colleague any more on call and have taken him off his existing on call, even after he offered to help them with it when he's gone as he knows its hard to get people willing to do it and he could do with the extra cash still.
The only other employee they have who does some of the stuff me and my colleague does as well is a known coke head who dropped a bag of coke in the office. A funeral directors with bags of coke lying around is a terrible thing.

I've now found out the new starting salary for the new employee will be 25k.
I feel like I've absolutely wasted 6 years of my life working for absolute cretins. Absolute nasty pieces of work who only have half the business because one of them was shagging the original (elderly) boss. Who might I add they now basically don't let anyone see, don't let him go anywhere on his own, he's not even aloud to see his sister. When she comes round they don't tell him. He can't even go to the doctor's without one of them being there.
They fall out with so many people in the area I know people in the village we are based in who wouldn't dream of using it just because of the way these two speak to people.

They had a good thing going with 2 members off staff who genuinely loved the job but just needed more money to survive. Whilst they go on holiday and drink thousand pound bottles of champagne and lord it over the place like the cretinous fucking wankers they are.

Well I hope they choke on it all and the business goes under.

Apologies for the rant but I just needed to get it out.

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