
We’re Back, do you want to work for us again?

Context: About 8 years ago I worked for a limo company as a weekend, then full time driver. Pretty good company with a boss who was strict but fair. Company gets bought out by two brothers who already own a cab company. Within a few weeks I was offered the job of operations manager and even though I had some misgivings the brothers laid out plans to buy more vehicles and expand., it looked like things were going well so I went for it. Fast forward about 6 months and basically nothing had happened… and then they missed payroll, but made it up the next day. Okay, a serious oopsie but it was all made right. Two weeks later they missed payroll again and that Friday I had an office full of angry drivers. Conference call and the owners said there was a mix up in banking between the Limo…

Context: About 8 years ago I worked for a limo company as a weekend, then full time driver. Pretty good company with a boss who was strict but fair. Company gets bought out by two brothers who already own a cab company. Within a few weeks I was offered the job of operations manager and even though I had some misgivings the brothers laid out plans to buy more vehicles and expand., it looked like things were going well so I went for it.

Fast forward about 6 months and basically nothing had happened… and then they missed payroll, but made it up the next day. Okay, a serious oopsie but it was all made right. Two weeks later they missed payroll again and that Friday I had an office full of angry drivers. Conference call and the owners said there was a mix up in banking between the Limo company and the Taxi company and they would pay everyone by check on Monday.

So we all carry on.

I come in Monday to a chain and padlock on the door, and a big notice that the IRS has closed us down. Come to find out the brothers hadn't paid taxes on ANYTHING in over 5 years. Ultimately AFTER an attempt to flee the country to Canada they both went to jail.

Fast forward….

Today I got an email from one of the Brothers saying that they are back and wanting to start another Limo company and would I be interested in being their Ops Manager again.

WHAT?!? I can't even begin to fathom what in the hell they are thinking! As you can imagine that email and the two follow-ups went straight into the trash and they are BLOCKED!

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