
My Boss, “2.85% raise” me, “that’s a pay cut”

I had my review for work today, overall okay review a few things to improve on but they are happy with my performance, especially our revenue growth. I'm in charge of our office that oversees two modest size metros in the Midwest we had record revenue and profits last year overall employee satisfaction is good (I've gone to bat for them over the last couple of years fighting for double digit raises each year) and client satisfaction is good. They were extremely happy with how our office performed financially last year, two weeks ago I was told what my bonus was, it was less than 1% of our EBITDA profits. I thought well due to how our bonus is structured it sucks but not much I can do about it and was hoping for a decent raise, today I found out that I'm getting 2.85% raise, I told my boss…

I had my review for work today, overall okay review a few things to improve on but they are happy with my performance, especially our revenue growth. I'm in charge of our office that oversees two modest size metros in the Midwest we had record revenue and profits last year overall employee satisfaction is good (I've gone to bat for them over the last couple of years fighting for double digit raises each year) and client satisfaction is good. They were extremely happy with how our office performed financially last year, two weeks ago I was told what my bonus was, it was less than 1% of our EBITDA profits. I thought well due to how our bonus is structured it sucks but not much I can do about it and was hoping for a decent raise, today I found out that I'm getting 2.85% raise, I told my boss that's not a raise that's a pay cut, she told me those were the guidelines that she had to work with. I'm sorry but that is BS they told me the same thing when I do my employee reviews and I push back and am able to get more for my employees (sometimes I sneak extra above and beyond what is approved if I can). I'm so mad right now I don't know what to say, this office was falling apart before me and all of the growth has come from my relationships in the community without it the office would be may 1/3 the size. I've been looking for a job for a few weeks now and will continue to do so but just another example of a company not valuing employees.

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