
Fired on Day 3

Started a new job on Friday of last week, a dream job of mine actually. I was informed yesterday that my background check still hadn’t come through, most likely because I am relatively new to the state I’m living in. Results came back with my arrest from 4 years ago that still isn’t expunged from my record (it’s in the process). I have documentation from the state, my lawyer, prosecutor, etc. stating that my record is to be expunged, but even with that documentation, they still fired me today. I’m not complaining about the policy, I understand you want the best people that you can get to fill a position. Not saying people with records aren’t productive or valuable, but in a company’s eyes, we are a risk. I’m complaining they brought me on without having all their boxes checked. I would’ve rather not gotten the job if I knew…

Started a new job on Friday of last week, a dream job of mine actually. I was informed yesterday that my background check still hadn’t come through, most likely because I am relatively new to the state I’m living in. Results came back with my arrest from 4 years ago that still isn’t expunged from my record (it’s in the process).

I have documentation from the state, my lawyer, prosecutor, etc. stating that my record is to be expunged, but even with that documentation, they still fired me today.

I’m not complaining about the policy, I understand you want the best people that you can get to fill a position. Not saying people with records aren’t productive or valuable, but in a company’s eyes, we are a risk. I’m complaining they brought me on without having all their boxes checked. I would’ve rather not gotten the job if I knew I was going to be let go because of a fucking weed charge in college even though I live in a state that legalized it. I’m so disappointed, depressed, sad, mad, and now jobless. I don’t know what the reason is for posting this, just to vent I guess since I don’t have anyone else in my life that I can talk about tough times with. I’m tired of the way this system works, I’m tired of everything, I just don’t want to be apart of a world that only sees you for past mistakes and as a liability rather than a human who made a mistake when they were a kid. Feels like no matter what I do, what progress I make, my track record and experience, is all for nothing because the system doesn’t allow for the benefit of the doubt. Thanks for letting me vent/rant, hope everyone has had a better start to the week than I have.

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