
Interviewer using the spray n’ pray approach to interviews left the Zoom chat open.

Just hung up the interview call a couple minutes ago. Over 70 people in that interview call. Pissed me off, so I immediately sent a comment in chat to tell her that we’re people deserving the respect of one on one interviews, not heads of cattle lined up for her MLM bullshit. We have ourselves and loved ones to take care of. She got uppity and said “I don’t need this kind of negativity, if you have nothing nice to say you can just leave.” Immediately people in the call started dropping like flies, and I hung up the call too. It was a small moment of rebellion, but it sure felt good. I think I’m still riding that high. That woman was an ijit.

Just hung up the interview call a couple minutes ago. Over 70 people in that interview call. Pissed me off, so I immediately sent a comment in chat to tell her that we’re people deserving the respect of one on one interviews, not heads of cattle lined up for her MLM bullshit. We have ourselves and loved ones to take care of. She got uppity and said “I don’t need this kind of negativity, if you have nothing nice to say you can just leave.” Immediately people in the call started dropping like flies, and I hung up the call too. It was a small moment of rebellion, but it sure felt good. I think I’m still riding that high.

That woman was an ijit.

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